
Trusting Your Heart...

Believe nothing merely because you have been told it. Do not believe what your teacher tells you merely out of respect for the teacher. But whatever, after due examination and analysis, you find to be kind, conducive to the good, the benefit, the welfare of all beings - that doctrine believe and cling to, and take it as your guide.

I know…I know, I have said this before, but we really are living in such an amazing time, so many of us have awakened to our true purpose here upon this Earth and it is truly my pleasure to take my place amongst all the other Lightworkers here.

My calling and greatest passion in this life is teaching, there is no greater reward for me than being of service to others. I often tell my students that this step is only the beginning and that this journey is not always easy, it can be difficult and painful at times as one is starting the process of releasing past pains, fears and emotions. It can be lonely at times as some find it hard to stay with certain loved ones or friends because they have changed and grown while the others have stayed the same. It can be hard to find like-minded people along the journey, and they feel a longing to be with others that now think as they do. The Ego will kick into over drive and tell you that you are not good enough, smart enough, you don’t have the right experience, you don’t have enough money, to walk this path…well I am here to tell you that you have all of this and more. You are a Divine Child of this Universe, you are good enough, smart enough, you already have all the experience you need within your heart to fulfill this mission, and you have the abundance of the entire Universe in the palm of your hand, all you have to do is TRUST!

Trust that all your needs will be provided for, it may sound like the hardest thing to do, especially in these times, but my dear ones…like attracts like, that is the universal law. If you wake up and say to yourself that “I don’t have enough money to take that course” you will not, these are self fulfilling prophecies, not the work of an outside influence. Your thoughts, words, actions, become your manifestations. We all have the opportunity every morning when we wake up to have either a beautiful day or a bad day, it is our attitude that changes everything around us. When we make a conscious effort to see the love in everyone and everything-that is what we will see. I share this with you now because I want you to know that I have been there and I am telling you from my heart that this journey is worth every moment, every tear, every pain, because the joyful, happy, knock your socks off amazing moments, far out-weigh them all.

You will have many teachers along this path and I always tell my students that I am just one of their many, but I am standing up now to say “I don’t have all the answers”, all I can do is speak from my heart and share with all of you my experiences and what I have learned thus far, if what I share or teach feels good to you in your heart then wonderful! And if something that I say does not feel right in your heart, that is fine too, release it, just let it go! It will not offend me as I am so proud that you are living your truth! This is how it should be with every teacher or person you have along your journey of learning, you are always in control of your life and that includes choosing what to take into your heart and mind.

This is where the amazing part begins, when after you have taken many classes on all the wonderful healing modalities out there, and you start to feel comfortable with all that you have taken in, you start to make it your own! You start to create your own healing techniques based upon all you have learned! It becomes a recipe; your recipe, and let me tell you…it is beautiful. I wish all of you, my students, my friends, my brothers and sisters, a beautiful and sacred journey. Listen to your heart, the place that is connected to the Divine, and you will never go wrong.

In love and light,

1 comment:

I am so grateful for your comment! Sending you joy and blessings! Joanna

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