
Wednesday, January 10, 2018


Clearing Your Space for the New Year!

In today’s world one thing I feel very strongly about is making  time for ceremony in our daily lives. This simple act is a way for  us to re-connect to Spirit, especially at the start of a new year; it is wonderful to have a fresh start!  Taking back this sacred time for you each day will add so  much joy and meaning to your life and It does not have to be  complicated, just meaningful to you!

Take some time to set up a small little area where you can sit in  quite reverence. Maybe a small table could hold special photos  of  beloved deities, angels, or loved ones, add crystals, fresh  flowers for scent and connection to nature, some dried herbs in a  bowl for your smudge mix or a stick of my favorite, Palo Santo  wood. When you light the herbs or wood, be sure to say thank  you for all the blessings you have in your life. Do this for  yourself for one week and see how you feel, just 15 minutes  each  day can make such a difference!

Smudging, or Space Clearing, is an ancient and powerful cleansing technique used by many indigenous cultures throughout the world. This sacred ceremony calls on compassionate guides and the spirits of sacred plants and objects to drive away negative energies and restore balance and harmony to a person, home or space. Every being on Earth is energy, it is the same for every object and place of dwelling. Over time, emotional and psychic energies can gather and create disharmony, what is needed is a “Spiritual Spring Cleaning” to release and reclaim a peaceful, joyful, cleared and protected space and Spirit!

Smudging can be as simple as gathering a handful of dried herbs such as White sage, Juniper and Lavender, and placing them in a small seashell or fire safe bowl. One only needs to light the herbs allowing them to smolder and smoke to release their healing cleansing properties. Take a moment to infuse the sacred herbs and yourself with the loving, healing energy of the Great Spirit; Father, Mother, God. One of my favorite prayers is called “A Smudging Prayer:

May your hands be cleansed, that they create beautiful things.
May your feet be cleansed, that they might take you where you most need to be.
May your heart be cleansed, that you might hear its messages clearly.
May your throat be cleansed, that you might speak rightly when words are needed.
May your eyes be cleansed, that you might see the signs and wonders of the world.
May this person and space be washed clean by the smoke of these fragrant plants.
And may that same smoke carry our prayers, spiraling, to the heavens.

There are many ways to perform this rite. Here is a basic outline of performing a Space Clearing of the room and/or person you are about to spiritually cleanse. Feel free to omit or add anything you wish to make it personal and meaningful to you. Intention is so very important and will make this ceremony even more powerful.

• Prepare your body, mind and Spirit by  for protection or simply call upon your Angels & Guides for their protection.
• Open the windows of the premises so the energies have an outlet to return to Source for transformation.
• Say a prayer and offer your gratitude to the Four Directions.
• Invite the presence and assistance of Spirit, the Angels & your Guides
• Gather Herbs or Sage Wand and place in fire safe dish or bowl-empower with love and light.
• Light the herbs while offering a prayer of gratitude for their energies. Allow the herbs to smolder while gently fanning the smoke with your hand or a feather around yourself, then the person or premises.
• Light a white candle in the room and give thanks for the clearing.

With Love & Light,

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