
January 31st Supermoon, Blue Moon, Total Lunar Eclipse!

Wow, we are starting off this new year with some powerful and loving celestial energies coming through to all of us! First the January 1st Full Moon and now we will have another one in the same month on January 31st! Anytime we have two full moons in one month, the second one is called a Blue Moon. To add to that energy, the 31st moon is also a SuperMoon PLUS on the 31st it will also be a Total Lunar Eclipse! That is a whole lot of good energy in one day! At these times, I love to make Crystal Lunar Water. It is very powerful and I use it as the base for all of my Aromatherapy Mists I create! Here is the simple recipe for you to enjoy:

Crystal Lunar Water

You will need:
1. One Lemurian Seed Crystal and one Angelite crystal or tumbled stone (use your intuition on this as sometimes other stones would like to lend their energies too.)
2. A Clear Glass bottle with screw top or cork: one that at least holds 4 to 6 cups. *Note: make sure your crystals will fit in the opening.
3. Pure Spring Water

On the night of the full moon place all of the crystals you will be using in your Lunar Water within your hand. Close your eyes and visualize them being cleared and purified by pure white light, see them glowing in your mind’s eye. When you feel ready, pour the water into your bottle and gently drop in the crystals you would like to use. Place this bottle in an area of your backyard, balcony or even front porch that will be exposed to the light of the moon. I like to add flowers and additional crystals surrounding the bottle for additional Nature energy. I then call on my Guides, Angels and Nature Devas to help empower the water and infuse their loving energy along with that of the Moon. In the morning, I bring it in and store it for use in my products for all of you and myself of course.

Don’t forget to put out all of your precious crystals and stones in the moonlight the night of the full moon too! I do that every month on the full moon with my crystals to empower and clear them. You can truly feel the difference in your home the moment they are brought back in. Just make sure they are in a secure location where someone can’t walk off with your precious treasures!

Lastly, If you love your astrology tidbits as much as I do, then this is for you too; the Full Moon on the 31st will be in Leo, one of our Fire signs, and the Sun in Aquarius one of our Air signs! What this means is that you may feel drawn to start living your passions and your deepest dreams and desires. We may also feel a strong pull to start those beautiful creative projects we have put on the back burners and all those ideas you have swimming around in that beautiful mind of yours. We may start asking the question: “How can I be of service, how can I help to transmute some of this fear into love and service? The answer is simple actually; it is time for you to shine your light now is not the time to be timid and hold back on all the gifts you have to offer this world. Do what brings the most authentic joy to your life and be-come the “You” you were meant to be. YOU GOT THIS!

P.S. Just an update on the progress of my little shop grand opening; The Joy-Full Apothecary should be opening up on 31 January! What better date is there to have a grand opening then on the day of the Supermoon, Blue Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse!

With love and light,

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